Winter 2025 Pickleball Leagues

Play It is announcing 3 different pickleball leagues starting on January 6, 8, and 11 respectively with each one running for 7 weeks. Each league will have a minimum of 4 teams and a maximum of 16 teams.

The Monday league will run from 7-8:30 pm.
The Wednesday league will run from 9:30-11 am.
The Saturday league will run from 9:30-11 am.

Format: Teams will play best of 3 games to 11. If completed in less than 1.5 hours, the teams can continue to play but the results won’t be recorded as part of their League.

If there are an odd number of teams, each week a different team will be allowed to use the court and invite another team to join them at no additional cost. The results will not be included as part of the League.

Ties will based on the least losses and then be based on the greater point differentiation.

The cost for the 7-week league is $198 per team or $99/person. Singles can sign up and we will attempt to find them a partner.

Register for Your League:

If you’re interested in Leagues or Tournaments, submit our form as an Individual Player or a Team! If there is enough interest in a sport / age group,  we will offer leagues and tournaments!